Monday, May 17, 2010

1-minute Magic (Small & Simple - part 2)

This post is part 2 of one-minute magic. First part inspired by Small Notebook is found here.

I've been excitedly thinking of things I can do in a minute or less. It's not that I stick a list on my fridge and go down and check things off. It's that I try to be more aware of short snippets of time to accomplish simple things that might just make a difference... in my home... with my children... in myself.

Sometimes (ok - like most of the day) I wonder why I keep trying because things get undone so quickly. Or all my efforts to be patient and love seem to be in vain because tots still quarrel, etc. But - I keep trying because it's the right thing to do (my husband reminds me of this when I get extra discouraged). Sister Dibb also reminded me that we don't always see the immediate benefits of our efforts, but making righteous choices definitely pays off, even if in time.

So I've added onto the previous list taking it to 75 things that can be accomplished in a minute or less.

32. Breathe in deeply - breathe out. Relax.
33. read a few verses of scripture
34. write a blog post draft
35. pick up trash off the floor
36. wipe dust off a baseboard (not all baseboards in the entire house!)
37. give praise to a child
38. clean the computer screen
39. get a drink of water
40. organize 10 items in the pantry (don't get sucked in)
41. start a batch of laundry
42. put on lotion or lipstuff (a must in this desert!)
43. wash your hands (kid's need one-minute magic too!)
44. say a prayer
45. apply lipstick or mascara (doesn't happen every day 'round here)
46. clean the front of an appliance
47. enjoy something in nature out the window
48. hum a hymn or primary song
49. look in the mirror and smile
50. dust a picture frame on the wall
51. plan a gift for that day (not necessarily a present - can be a gift of self, time, love)
52. wipe the backsplash in the kitchen (or the wall in my case)
53. think of 3 things you are grateful for
54. sing a song with a child
55. think of something who has blessed your life
56. learn a word in a different language (google translation)
57. recall a happy memory
58. delete 10 unnecessary emails in your inbox (don't go through the other 3000 that are left)
59. take a picture of the day
60. read through the Relief Society Declaration
61. look into the eyes of a child. Really SEE them!
62. gather 5 items to give away (good will or d.i.)
63. enjoy ONE treat (all 1-minute tasks don't have to be work)
64. plan a dinner (hopefully this isn't 5 minutes before 6 p.m.)
65. put the phone back in the charger
66. think of three things you are good at
67. listen to phone messages
68. brush your teeth
69. open the curtains and enjoy some sunshine
70. make your bed
71. do something to make a child laugh. laugh with them.
72. shine the stovetop
73. refill the soap dispenser
74. write a note of gratitude
75. Wipe down the front door

1 comment:

Wendi said...

I really needed this reminder. Thanks! :)