Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Absolute Truth ... I'm certain

Today - all I have to say is that the following quote is oh-so-true. The 'teachable and grateful' part is debatable some days. But the rest - yes. The swing shift is definitely the trickiest one to survive 'round here. We're all a little less lovable indeed.

"As I have talked to young mothers and mothers with children at home — those with teenagers and young adults especially—they tell me that their most important shift to be at the top of their game, to be the strongest lioness at the gate is the “swing shift.” That’s the afternoon shift.

"That’s when everyone comes home hungry, tired, needy, and less lovable. It is when you are hungry, tired, needy, and less loveable. It is also the time of day when people are more teachable, when they are most grateful.

"When we realize and prioritize our time properly, we don’t expect to use all of our strength on the other two shifts so that the afternoon shift can be safeguarded and can be a time of strength and power.

"We plan for times when the meals are there together, when we can create that home environment and when that family can gather, and you are the strengthening power and force in that family.

"Remember that influence and power come when we prioritize correctly. If you spend time elsewhere, you don’t have it to give. ... You have to prioritize where you are going to spend your energy." Julie Beck - BYU Women's Conference - April 2010

I really struggle during the late afternoon hours. So - I've decided a few things that would help me survive. Now - I just need to do them.

1. Read my scriptures during quiet time. This is tricky because some days I have but a moment of quiet in the afternoon between nap time for tots and before the kids come home. I feel strongly that my heart would be full of love, wisdom, and patience if I consistently did this before the kids come home.  I may not run out of those things by 5 if I fill myself up with all that goodness.

2. Plan and prepare dinner as much as possible before noon. If I establish a consistent meal plan, then the plan is there. And many dishes can partially be prepared ahead of time and I know that would help me survive the swing shift hours.

3. Figure out what to do with Max and Tru during this time. In between feeding and playing with babies, keeping the school kids on track with snack, homework, reading, afternoon tasks, and chores, those little ones have a hard time. They are tired and hungry and they suck every ounce of energy and patience from me. It's the pull on mom's pants and cry time of day. Any ideas? I feel like I need 4 arms, 4 brains, 4 sets of ears, and 4 mouths to keep up with everyone that needs me at the same time.  I read a blog recently that said instead of always praying for patience, we ought to pray for wisdom to know how to raise our tots so they can obey.  I think I'll pray for both... as both are definitely needed.

I know there are blessings galore when we create the home environment where the family can gather and feel loved and secure. It's definitely something worth working at.

Three things I'm grateful for today:
1.  Jimmy comes home by 5 most days.  He saves us all.

2. I'm glad I have a cheering section up in heaven. They are rooting for this mother to keep at it.

3. The amazing part is that when I falter, Heavenly Father can make up the difference as long as I'm doing my best and placing faith in Him.

Onward - ever Onward!

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