Friday, August 20, 2010

LIGHT - this is where I want to be!

The Silence of God, was a very interesting read. I felt enlightened about part of the history of Russia. Oh how much history can teach us!

This book is a historical fiction based on the Lindlof family who were the first Mormons in Russia in the early 1900s. It is incredible what people have had to endure... such hardship. All they were trying to do was live in righteousness. I can hardly imagine experiencing what they had to. This story puts 'life is a test' in a new light for me.

This story made me realize that so often individuals get caught up with political groups and movements without realizing all the implications. And in this case, "Bread, Peace, and Land" and "All power to the Soviets (councils)" went from socialism to horrible communism in a few short awful years. Many citizens involved did not see it for what it really was until it was too late. It was also interesting to imagine a culture without religion, a place where so many don't believe in God. How dark and dreary an environment that would be.

Though this book wasn't a cheerful read, it helped me appreciate all that we have. I admire the faith and courage of the Lindlof family and those who may have been friends with and helped them. It also helped me understand how socialism and communism are Satan's form of the law of consecration... only Satan forces all to give. The Lord's way involves pure hearts and freedom to choose.

So - reality is that we don't live in Russia in the early 1900s ... we aren't going to be shipped off to Siberia to spend the rest of our short life in a work camp... but we have our challenges here and now.

I see a common thread in the stories of courageous men, women, and children - they choose LIGHT. Their faith in Christ sees them through the trials of life... even when all around them is darkness and despair. They are blessed with inner peace and calm, knowing the eternal nature of this plan.  LIGHT - this is where I want to be!

1 comment:

Wendi said...

Thanks for the comment you left on my blog. And I always enjoy the quotes you choose and the creative way you display them. :)