Sunday, August 8, 2010

Articles of Faith 8x10

I had a friend suggest the idea to create some Article of Faith posters. What fun to make! They are a little bright and perhaps a little bonkers, but hopefully fun for tots.

here's the linkie to the album for the

This summer we've attempted to memorize the articles of faith. We have one sitting in a frame on a shelf in our dining room and once we know it, we swap it for the next one, etc.

p.s. If any who are printing these have a Costco membership, let me know and I can email you the link to my costco photo albums so you don't have to upload all the images to their site. It's really slick and easy that way. They have 8x10's for $1.49.

p.p.s. disclaimer: Since I know who most of you are who read this bloggie!!!, please don't start some mass email to the entire world with the images or links attached. Pretty please! I don't mind at all if you use them for personal use or share with close family and friends. Just want to keep things honest with copyrights ya know and not have some stranger start selling them or something weird.

Items used: Gina Cabrera: cute newsprint papers... and Crystal Wilkerson: fun bracket frame.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Hi! Just stumbled upon your blog by googling "articles of faith memorization chart". These are so adorable! We are trying to teach our four year old (and 2 year old) the articles of faith and these are adorable! I clicked on the download link and it didn't work. I'd love to use these for personal use. If that's not ok, just let me know. Thanks! I love your blog... So inspiring!