Tuesday, August 24, 2010

here's the plan Stan

I've realized that my kids like lists and charts. They like to check things off.

Either Abe will ask me what we are doing every moment... what is coming up later in the day ...

OR - i post a list of our day and he looks at the list to know what tasks need to be done before play. He did great this summer completing his workbooks, reading, daily journal, tasks and chore ... all because he had to have it done to play the wii.

So - I prefer the list option! I have several lists around the house... our 3 family rules, stuff to do before leaving the house, chores & tasks, and ideas for snacks, breakfasts, lunch. It seems a little intense or OCD or something to list everything out specifically ... but I know my kids thrive with a better schedule knowing what is expected of them.

This fall I decided to try this chart inspired by Jen.
I've done lists before on a weekly basis. I like the idea of starting clean each day.

That idea reminds me of the conversation between Miss Stacy and Anne Shirley. Miss Stacy teaches, "Remember you can always start everything afresh tomorrow." To which Anne replies:

Anyhoo... the idea is that you mark on the glass with overhead projector markers. Then wipe it clean the next day. I guess we'll see how it goes.

1 comment:

Wendi said...

Those are great charts and great quotes. I think I need one for me too! :)