Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I read an appalling article in Newsweek: The Case Against Marriage. "Once upon a time, marriage made sense," is what they wrote. I won't quote all the things I cringed at... and those statistics... sad that those are reality. Newsweek even had "I Do" arguments to counter the "I Don't"... but the statements were not strong... and were mostly based on secular benefits.

BUT - despite how twisted the views in the world are...

this, I know...

I BELIEVE in MARRIAGE ... and the honor in MOTHERHOOD....
not because I am benefitted secularly/financially...
but because MARRIAGE and MOTHERHOOD are of God.

I never felt "forced into the kitchen" when I married. I saw motherhood as part of my mission here on earth. Is marriage hard?... yes. We have to work to keep relationships strong and healthy. We need to obey the commandments... live unselfishly.  Is motherhood hard?... yes. Was anything on earth meant to be easy?... I don't think so. Afterall, the hard is what makes it great.

My friend Angela reminded of this quote tonight. This is PERSPECTIVE!

After a long grouchy day which was not pleasant - this mother was not pleasant at all, I'm afraid... I needed to revisit the Relief Declaration. I believe in this doctrine. I want my daily attitude, actions, and choices to reflect these eternal principles.

In the end... things of God feel good to me. Obeying the commandments, working hard at a marriage, keeping temple covenants, striving to be a pleasant mother who teaches children of Jesus... those things feel right and good inside. So - I'll keep on keepin' on... trying to live and teach these principles in my home.

1 comment:

Wendi said...

I love the way you frame your quotes and emphasize the meaningful words. Thanks for sharing your testimony of these important things. :)