Wednesday, July 21, 2010

an evening for letter writing

Dear woman at walmart who rolled your eyes at me and my family in the olive oil aisle,

I'm sorry my kids were very slightly in the way of your cart. They actually were holding quite still and obeying ... for kids.

Frankly, I really didn't want to be at the store at 7 p.m. with all 4 kids. Believe me, I wouldn't be there unless I considered it a necessity... for you see, we were running out of diapers and I didn't want to be without. And I would have gone earlier, but my morning plans were foiled by an unexpected problem. And I would have gone later, but my husband was at scouts and had a political meeting afterwards.

I'm also sorry I was on the phone for a moment. I really do try not to be on the phone at all when out with my tots, but I needed to ask my sister where-in-the-world Walmart might keep the Molasses... for Hannah has been begging to make Ginger Snaps for 6 months and today was the day it needed to happen.

So, please give me the benefit of the doubt because I'm trying... really trying to do the best I know how. I also will try and give you the benefit of the doubt because I do remember President Eyring reminding us all that we should treat everyone as if they are going through something hard, for we all are.

Sincerely ~ one Tired Mama of 4 tots

Dear people in the surrounding checkout lanes at walmart,

Please know I do not encourage my 2-year-old to pick his nose and bite his arm. These things do happen when 2-year-olds are bored. I'm afraid he wanted out of the cart, but I wasn't about to let that happen with everything else that was going on. I do try to teach him.

~ Sincerely, a mother who has 3 boys and doesn't know what to do about their burping and laughter about bodily functions

Dear people in the parking lot of walmart (if anyone was around and witnessed my family),

I'm sorry my baby was screaming as we strolled through the parking lot and got in the car. You see, he is scared of the jostling and noise from the cart on the bumpy road, he also has had major constipation, has a top tooth breaking through today, and he got a shot at the doctor's office today. Please know I was doing my best to calm and love him. Also, please know that though I was chuckling about my 2-year-old screaming 'mama' at the top of his lungs (to be heard over baby crying), I really was baffled that there could be so much chaos surrounding me. Chuckling at that moment saved me from crying.

Sincerely, Me

Dear Truman,

I would like to make a short request of you. Can we please come to an understanding about diaper and clothing changes? I agree to be gentle and swift and fun if you agree to hold still, stop rolling over and arching your back and screaming. We honestly are blessing your life by changing your diaper, believe me. Please, little buddy, just hold still for 3 minutes, so I don't have to wrestle you for 10 minutes.

Sincerely ~ your exhausted mama who has no energy to wrestle to get jammies on a wee tot

Dear Grandma Nelson,

Thank you for sharing your Soft Ginger Snap recipe with us. I've never made the recipe before, but I've always enjoyed them when others have baked the scrumptious cookies. Tonight upon our return from the dreaded Walmart, the kids and I made cookies. They delightfully rolled the cookies in sugar. Max even rolled the dough into lots of little snakes (don't worry, we won't eat his cookies). The ginger snaps were comfort food. Thanks for sharing the recipe so we can think of you and enjoy a bit of yumminess.

Love ~ your granddaughter Heather Bear

Dear Jill C. Manning,

Thank you for your 'Playground Warriors' post on the TOFW blog. I especially needed that encouragement and optimism about mothering after my discouraging trip to walmart. I felt judged when all I was doing was my best. Your words gave me hope that perhaps I was doing something... anything... right. We all need encouragement, don't we?

"{Women} can make a positive difference through small and persistent efforts. Women of faith have the added advantage of knowing Heaven is helping them every step of the way. ... These playground warriors are a breath of fresh air in a world that is too often self-absorbed and self-serving. What a comfort it is to know there are good women out there who are actively strengthening communities and families, and who are looking out for my family as well. Although these women are not pursued by paparazzi or showcased in headlines, I know every one of their actions is honored by a Heavenly Father who cherishes the goodness of women and cheers their embodiment of hope. No matter where you play—thank you playground warriors!" (Jill C. Manning)

Thank you! ~ little ol' me in Lehi

Dear Abe,

Thank you for playing so nicely with Hannah during Happy Time, I mean... Quiet time, today. It was a tender mercy for this mama.  Thanks also for sincerely exclaiming tonight that I was the best mother in the world because I bought you new $5 sunglasses and made cookies all in one night.   Bless you child.

~ love me

Dear Hannah,

Thank you for sweeping the floor. There was indeed a feast of cheerios, crackers, and food under Tru's chair... and we sweep yesterday. I'm always so grateful when you do your chores willingly.  Thank you also for forgiving me so lovingly this morning.

~ love mom

Dear Max,

Thank you for brightening my day by kissing Truman on the lips. You laughed. He laughed. I laughed.

~ your mother

Dear Jimmy,

I love you. Thank you for finishing up the dishes after your meeting. You are the Love of my Life.

~ love, your wifey

Tonight - my walmart experience reminded me that we need to encourage each other... not judge. We need to be kind ... or at least be understanding quietly. I need to work on this too... especially at Walmart.


Wendi said...

I had that Marvin J. Ashton quote on my wall all during my mission. It's one of my all- time favorite quotes. And I love that admonition by Elder Eyring at the end of your first letter. Hang in there and keep up the good work! :) Your blog always inspires me.

Yayi said...

Your blog is probably the most uplifting one I've ever read. You are such an inspiration to me. I learned stuff about your blog through my sister-in-law's blog (Jen). Thank you for sharing your Walmart story! I've been through that several times.