Friday, July 30, 2010

time to ... gather joy

i'm heading off to a retreat in midway this weekend.

the theme:

i'm so excited for some rejuvenation...
rejuvenation of the spiritual and social sort...
this ... is good.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

rise to the divinity

I Live! Just not on the bloggie this week. Lots o' stuff to do lately - some fun - some work. But I've got to move my letters post down. I'll post one of my 99 drafts that somehow never make it to PUBLISH.

I recently read these quotes when preparing other lessons and loved the message President Hinckley taught.

Loved it for myself... to remind myself that God has blessed me with certain talents... that I am here to succeed no matter how hard it gets. His message is positive and inspiring to me.

Also loved it for my kiddos... to love themselves and know why they are so important - they are children of God.

Truth is good.


President Hinckley issues the challenge to “. . . every one of you who can hear me, to rise to the divinity within you. Do we really realize what it means to be a Child of God, to have within us something of the Divine Nature?” Gordon B. Hinckley, “Each a Better Person,” Ensign, Nov 2002, 99

“Never forget that you came to earth as a child of the divine Father, with something of divinity in your very makeup. The Lord did not send you here to fail. He did not give you life to waste it. He bestowed upon you the gift of mortality that you might gain experience—positive, wonderful, purposeful experience—that will lead to life eternal. He has given you this glorious Church, His Church, to guide you and direct you. . . May God bless you richly and abundantly, my dear young friends, His wonderful daughters.” Gordon B. Hinckley, “How Can I Become the Woman of Whom I Dream?,” Ensign, May 2001, 93

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

an evening for letter writing

Dear woman at walmart who rolled your eyes at me and my family in the olive oil aisle,

I'm sorry my kids were very slightly in the way of your cart. They actually were holding quite still and obeying ... for kids.

Frankly, I really didn't want to be at the store at 7 p.m. with all 4 kids. Believe me, I wouldn't be there unless I considered it a necessity... for you see, we were running out of diapers and I didn't want to be without. And I would have gone earlier, but my morning plans were foiled by an unexpected problem. And I would have gone later, but my husband was at scouts and had a political meeting afterwards.

I'm also sorry I was on the phone for a moment. I really do try not to be on the phone at all when out with my tots, but I needed to ask my sister where-in-the-world Walmart might keep the Molasses... for Hannah has been begging to make Ginger Snaps for 6 months and today was the day it needed to happen.

So, please give me the benefit of the doubt because I'm trying... really trying to do the best I know how. I also will try and give you the benefit of the doubt because I do remember President Eyring reminding us all that we should treat everyone as if they are going through something hard, for we all are.

Sincerely ~ one Tired Mama of 4 tots

Dear people in the surrounding checkout lanes at walmart,

Please know I do not encourage my 2-year-old to pick his nose and bite his arm. These things do happen when 2-year-olds are bored. I'm afraid he wanted out of the cart, but I wasn't about to let that happen with everything else that was going on. I do try to teach him.

~ Sincerely, a mother who has 3 boys and doesn't know what to do about their burping and laughter about bodily functions

Dear people in the parking lot of walmart (if anyone was around and witnessed my family),

I'm sorry my baby was screaming as we strolled through the parking lot and got in the car. You see, he is scared of the jostling and noise from the cart on the bumpy road, he also has had major constipation, has a top tooth breaking through today, and he got a shot at the doctor's office today. Please know I was doing my best to calm and love him. Also, please know that though I was chuckling about my 2-year-old screaming 'mama' at the top of his lungs (to be heard over baby crying), I really was baffled that there could be so much chaos surrounding me. Chuckling at that moment saved me from crying.

Sincerely, Me

Dear Truman,

I would like to make a short request of you. Can we please come to an understanding about diaper and clothing changes? I agree to be gentle and swift and fun if you agree to hold still, stop rolling over and arching your back and screaming. We honestly are blessing your life by changing your diaper, believe me. Please, little buddy, just hold still for 3 minutes, so I don't have to wrestle you for 10 minutes.

Sincerely ~ your exhausted mama who has no energy to wrestle to get jammies on a wee tot

Dear Grandma Nelson,

Thank you for sharing your Soft Ginger Snap recipe with us. I've never made the recipe before, but I've always enjoyed them when others have baked the scrumptious cookies. Tonight upon our return from the dreaded Walmart, the kids and I made cookies. They delightfully rolled the cookies in sugar. Max even rolled the dough into lots of little snakes (don't worry, we won't eat his cookies). The ginger snaps were comfort food. Thanks for sharing the recipe so we can think of you and enjoy a bit of yumminess.

Love ~ your granddaughter Heather Bear

Dear Jill C. Manning,

Thank you for your 'Playground Warriors' post on the TOFW blog. I especially needed that encouragement and optimism about mothering after my discouraging trip to walmart. I felt judged when all I was doing was my best. Your words gave me hope that perhaps I was doing something... anything... right. We all need encouragement, don't we?

"{Women} can make a positive difference through small and persistent efforts. Women of faith have the added advantage of knowing Heaven is helping them every step of the way. ... These playground warriors are a breath of fresh air in a world that is too often self-absorbed and self-serving. What a comfort it is to know there are good women out there who are actively strengthening communities and families, and who are looking out for my family as well. Although these women are not pursued by paparazzi or showcased in headlines, I know every one of their actions is honored by a Heavenly Father who cherishes the goodness of women and cheers their embodiment of hope. No matter where you play—thank you playground warriors!" (Jill C. Manning)

Thank you! ~ little ol' me in Lehi

Dear Abe,

Thank you for playing so nicely with Hannah during Happy Time, I mean... Quiet time, today. It was a tender mercy for this mama.  Thanks also for sincerely exclaiming tonight that I was the best mother in the world because I bought you new $5 sunglasses and made cookies all in one night.   Bless you child.

~ love me

Dear Hannah,

Thank you for sweeping the floor. There was indeed a feast of cheerios, crackers, and food under Tru's chair... and we sweep yesterday. I'm always so grateful when you do your chores willingly.  Thank you also for forgiving me so lovingly this morning.

~ love mom

Dear Max,

Thank you for brightening my day by kissing Truman on the lips. You laughed. He laughed. I laughed.

~ your mother

Dear Jimmy,

I love you. Thank you for finishing up the dishes after your meeting. You are the Love of my Life.

~ love, your wifey

Tonight - my walmart experience reminded me that we need to encourage each other... not judge. We need to be kind ... or at least be understanding quietly. I need to work on this too... especially at Walmart.

Parenting: cheerfully ... with determination, diligence, strength

Even moms need to apologize ... especially when they didn't hold their tongue when talking with little ones. Luckily (rather ... blessedly)... kids are quick to forgive.

It is up to me to cheerfully do my best. After I've done that, I can leave the rest up to the Lord ... to guide my little ones.

We all need encouragement, don't we. Even moms. Even little ones.

But I don't think anyone said it would be easy to be cheerful or patient. Hannah said the other day,

She has a good soul. I like this quote by Elder Hales. It's sometimes nice when leaders acknowledge that what we're doing is hard... but good... very good.
"Doing our duty to God as parents and leaders begins with leading by example—consistently and diligently living gospel principles at home. This takes daily determination and diligence.

"The greatest faith we have will be within our homes as we remain strong in the trials and tribulations of parenthood."

Elder Robert D. Hales (April 2010 Gen Conf)

Fortunately for me, the Lord gives us a fresh start to begin again. Hoping today is better!

Monday, July 19, 2010

patience with our wee little blessings

i saw this quote on a friend's blog. It made me chuckle.

Isn't it the truth?... definitely what I need to repeat over and over each day when moments are tough.  Yet... sometimes I don't have to remind myself... because I'm too busy laughing at these little ones... but only sometimes.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Gale Center Museum ... and JOY in achievement/work

Last Thursday we went to a free museum in South Jordan. It was really neat. We had a short tour about life long ago in South Jordan. After the tour we went and played in the mini kitchen and farmyard. The kids went shopping at the market. They went to school in Pioneer Days. The worked at the Post Office. They learned about the Indians and sat in a tee-pee and hit the drum. They learned about mining in Utah.

The kids really had a fun time dressing up and playing. I liked that they caught a glimpse of simple living... life without soft carpet floors, running water, indoor plumbing, washing machines, and loads of fun electronics.  I came home realizing my daily tasks are not as challenging as they could be - as they've been for women throughout the ages of time.

History teaches that life is not all about vacations, play, and fun. That is why I love learning from the past. It teaches me ... perspective stuff.

I've been thinking a lot about work.
~ Partly because I get so tired of work, work, work.
~ Partly because I know that the essence of life is WORK and that we can find joy and fulfillment in a job well done.
~ Partly because I want to train my kids to work hard.  It's good for them.
~ Partly because I always want to play and have fun with the kids, but I know the work is waiting for me (and them).
So - the principle of work has been swimming in my mind.  I'm torn about it all.  I think I just need to focus on the joy in achievement and teach my children to do the same.

One of my friends mentioned a while ago that a mission president said that one of the best ways to prepare your kids for a mission is to teach them to work hard without any immediate reward.  Life does not always provide immediate rewards for our efforts.  Sometimes we have to wait to see the benefit of our hard work.  The Lord teaches us lessons in patience daily.

The stories of those who came before teach me that there is joy in duty and work.

“Teach your young children to work, and teach them that honest labor develops dignity and self-respect. Help them to find pleasure in work and to feel the satisfaction that comes from a job well done.”(Joseph B. Wirthlin, “Spiritually Strong Homes and Families,” Ensign, May 1993).

"The Lord knew that from the crucible of work emerges the hard core of character.

"Work is the means to achieve happiness, prosperity, and salvation. When work and duty and joy are comingled, then man is at his best. Tagore wrote,

I slept and dreamt
That life was joy
I woke and saw
That life was duty
I acted, And behold!
Duty was joy!

J. Richard Clarke, “The Value of Work,” Ensign, May 1982, 77

Monday, July 5, 2010

thinking of LIFE stuff ...

nie, nie taught me that sometimes life changes... but it can still be good. My life hasn't had tragic changes. But it has changed over the years. It's perhaps different than I imagined when I was little. But it is good.

I learn more about life each day.  I've been thinking a lot about balance between work & play, stillness & slowness, delayed gratification, thriftiness vs more-more-more, love, sacrifice ... life stuff. My life is not perfect, it's not always easy... but I still love all the beautiful, ordinary parts that the Lord blesses me with each day.

Sometimes I feel like this time is the calm before the storm... perhaps the economy... perhaps the Spirit guiding me to prepare. For now, I'll accept all the wonderfulness of my present life as best I can.

More to come from last week and our holiday weekend.... but for now, I'm going to watch a movie with my love.

Sunday, July 4, 2010


I didn't even know this scripture existed. The principle I believe. But how important this scripture is for AMERICA. I love FREEDOM. Freedom to BELIEVE & worship. I love the opportunities we have because of the sacrifices of those who came before & those who fight now for our FREEDOMS.

The King James Bible reads as follows.
"Now the Lord is that Spirit:
and where the Spirit of the Lord is,
there is liberty."
2 Corinthians 3:17

(Thanks to homegrown hospitality for the wonderful scripture image.)