Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Hope Whispers


I am... the mother with the 2-year-old screaming for 10+ minutes in the grocery store. He wants to walk. I know it's not safe or wise. Costco is a dangerous place for short tots.

I am... so patient. But no matter how much patience I have, it seems that sometimes it's not enough.

I am... trying to parent well. Doesn't it seem harder to do what is right long term than give in to what is easy at the moment with discipline stuff.

I am... good at keeping my tears inside until I get in the car. For today at least.

I am... learning. And I am trying to teach my kids so they will learn that they will be happier and more blessed if they obey. And I'm trying to teach them to obey out of love. I am... still learning this too.

I am ... finally home. I put 3 boys in quiet time, cried it out on the phone to Jimmy, sunk into my computer chair for some distraction... and I saw this first thing...
You know how many times in the past few days I've decided to stop trying to be a nice mom... a lot. I wonder why I try so hard to be kind and loving and thrifty and patient and clean and hard-working... when sometimes it seems that it's going to be hard anyways so why try. (I know - stinky, stinky attitude.) Jimmy reminds me that sometimes the TRYING is for me... to help me become better.

So I won't give up on trying to be a good person ... for "hope whispers: try one more time."

Hope Whispers image by DudaDaze.


melimba said...

you have those days too?! oh wow. sometimes i think i am the only one... :)

gotta love the tears in the car---that's the place i tend to cry most often. hA!

i'm sure you are a fabulous mom! keep up the good work! :)

Wendi said...

Thank you for sharing this. I remember those days with younger kids at the store. Now I'm dealing with the hormonal mood swings of a teenager with equally hormonal friends and trying to keep my children from killing each other. They are so nice to each other sometimes and then the 11 year old teasing starts and the 13 year old temper flares. Sheesh! Calgon... take me away! :) And we won't even comment on my own emotional ups and downs. I'm becoming the world champion of brushing myself off and getting up each time I fall. I may never win the race... but I'm determined to finish it with the help of the Atonement and lots of prayer. :)