Thursday, March 4, 2010

I love this lesson and miracle

This morning I read this article in Meridian Magazine about the Mission President and his wife in the Chile Santiago Mission. I loved the lesson and miracle she wrote about. This is my take-away:

1. We need to be still to listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost.

2. The Lord won't always take away our trials, pain, or sorrow, but He will give us the resources, strength, and comfort to endure them.

3. We need to act on the promptings we get.

4. If we are prepared we have no need to fear.

These are my favorite quotes from her article:
Nearly two-and-one-half weeks ago, I was awakened at around 4:00 AM by just such a prompting. I did not hear a voice, but the thought was as clear as if it had been in the form of spoken words: "There is going to be an earthquake. Prepare your missionaries." I sat up in bed and immediately remembered Elder Scott's counsel ...("Do not ignore these thoughts. They are promptings from the Holy Ghost who will communicate with you in the stillness of the night or the peace of the early morning hours. He will speak to you then because that is when you are still enough to hear.")... That morning I told Larry what had happened. He immediately set to work organizing our missionaries to prepare for an earthquake.

...We had listened and heeded the quiet, but clear promptings of the Holy Ghost. We were blessed with peace in the midst of chaos. We learned an important lesson: our preparation helped us to avoid panic and fear, but the Lord, in His wisdom, allowed us to experience enough discomfort to know that He has all power.
by Lisa Laycock in Meridian Magazine

1 comment:

Wendi said...

I was really thankful for this article as well. I featured it on my Book of Mormon blog. What a blessing the Spirit is in our lives! And I'm thankful for the strength the Atonement gives us to endure our trials and struggles. :)