Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Loving the Hard Job

I'm exhausted. I feel like I hardly got to sit down today. Today was just one thing after another. Not just activities... but poops and meals and bottles and fussing... life stuff. The other day I came across this great blog post by Emily Watts. She talks about her love of being a mom, but that it's a hard, hard job. Hear-hear!

One of my favorite parts:
When I think of all the “hard parts” of motherhood as chances to exercise my skill, to stretch myself to become better, to demonstrate my commitment to principles I know are eternally significant, they become some of the best parts of the job. And when I need a boost, I think about all the ways in which my children manifest their willingness to “walk in truth.” Emily Watts
Yes, it's good. Life is supposed to be hard. I don't think any of us agreed to a life of ease in the premortal world. I like to think my life will get easier... but honestly I don't think it will. I sure hope my ability to do will increase.

One of Heber J. Grant's favorite messages was this:
I'd never thought of this quote in regards to mothering before. Interesting idea.

I indeed want for my ability to increase... that I'll learn from life's lessons (instead of having to repeat them over and over and over again). Better yet... as I try my best, I can be strengthened in Christ... who will lift me up. Which is where Grace and the Atonement come in. This I know... and this I HOPE for.

Good, good stuff. May that message carry me through the summer. I may have to revisit it over and over.

I love summer break. I do. I love that my kids actually have time to play and eat popsicles and run around in the wind. But I'm a wee bit scared... biting nails... Can I survive with all my kids home all day? I have a game plan, but can I do it?! ... uhhhh, YES - we can!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

happiness is...

I loved Pioneer Woman's photography assignment "Happiness". There were over 76,000 submissions ... goodness-me. It's interesting to look through the photos. Each one probably has a happy memory for that person.

I thought I'd go through my photos for "happiness" feelings. Mine aren't professional. Most have blurry movement from kids and are from everyday moments. But they are real and happy to me ... good memories.
Makes me think about happiness and what it's all about. Family... children laughing... goodness and purity and innocence... surprising tender moments with wiggly little ones... running around playing together. I even think JOY could have a completely separate photoshoot... as that word seems to run even deeper.

This photo was taken during a long winter in a new state with 3 little kids at home all day long. We had perfect natural light and a bright white wall. And we had lots of time together. At the time, some days seemed long and hard and lonely. But most were filled with dress-ups and play-dough and silly pretend. I look back and think of the good memories during that winter ... all focused on time spent with my children.

Happiness is... working hard together. This photo was taken at the end of a long hard hike in the mountains. I was 7 months pregnant with baby #4. My little ones were so tired, and thirsty, and hot. But our family made it! We made it to the waterfall. We also made it home without crumbling to the ground. We made it... but we only survived by singing songs, keeping spirits high, chewing gum, and the prayers of a 6-year-old girl who quietly prayed for us all. Families grow closer together by working hard together ... at least ours did. We were so proud of ourselves for accomplishing a big hike up the mountain.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Recent Experiments

This quote perhaps may be the theme of my life lately. We're all working on things, aren't we? I know I am. Well, these are a few things I'm working on lately. A little long-winded, but I'm too tired to make it concise (too tired or not talented enough in writing - take your pick).

Make-a-Mix Club - wanna join?

A gal in my ward shared the idea to make little mixes in jars of waffle mix to make a quickie breakfast. A bright light bulb went off in my head! Wow - make your own mix. Why didn't I think of that?

Over the past few months I've been thinking of all the different recipes a mix would be helpful for. It has to be something we eat often so it doesn't sit in the pantry forever and a year.

I decided to start off with chocolate chip cookies (the best ones ever from Angie), homemade instant oatmeal packets (kinda made up but based off Simple Dollar), chocolate chip muffins (my kids and husband like the mini ones for snacks), and waffles (someday pancakes).

I've decided to add Golden Flax Seed Meal and Wheat Germ to just about everything. I don't know - is that healthy? From all I've read it seems to be good. I guess another experiment.

So overall, I really like it. It speeds up breakfast, snacks, etc. I just need it for dinners now. For some it may not be worth it to do mixes. But for me, I just love not having to get out 5 different measuring spoons/cups to do all the dry ingredients. With tots at my feet, I need quick-n-easy. This is an experiment that I hope lasts a long time! If I make Mondays my Make-a-Mix Monday, then I won't run out of my handy mixes. Plus, it saves $$. Plus, I know every single ingredient that is in there.
p.s. I love those Lock-n-Lock containers. They are hard to find lately though.

p.p.s. I didn't love the homemade bisquik I tried. It wasn't worth all the effort for the amount it makes - only because you have to cut in the shortening.

Cell Phone Experiment
I haven't had a normal cell phone for years. I've decided to join the 21st century and get one. Mostly I need it for emergencies on the road, but I didn't want to get the prepaid plan because in the past I would paid for it and rarely used it.

I decided to transfer my home number to my cell and get rid of Vonage. This perhaps may be a long experiment - it stinks you have to sign a 2-year-contract. But anyhoo... I didn't get a data plan so I had to get a normal flip-phone. Man - there are some fun, fun phones out there.  Not mine!  Thus far it's actually been better than I thought it would be though.  It has a good speaker phone. I miss having 3 home phones ring at the same time so i can actually find it and get to it on time.

My favorite thing about it:  I switched the ring-tone to "Scripture Power" and it makes me laugh every time it rings.  Please call so I can smile!  I've firmly decided that I'm not going to be the mom constantly on the phone when I'm out with the kids - they need me. (at least I hope they need me!)

Selling things on KSL Classifieds.

What fun! I finally decided to get rid of most of our girlie clothes that I've been saving for - oh, like 7 years. Boo-hoo-hoo!  If we ever have a girlie baby, then I'll use the few I saved and buy new I guess. I was going to give them all away, but figured I'd try selling them as bundles on KSL. I had a great response for most of the sizes. I thought they were an awesome deal, but I still made enough $$ that I felt good about it.

It was fun to see the people who came to buy the clothes. A dad from Mexico with a cute little girlie... a gal buying for her single-mom sister... a gal with 3 kids who just decided to try buying used... another mom who seemed experienced in buying/selling clothes. Hannah was sad to go through the clothes and part with some of them. I let her save her favorites that we can make into a patchwork quilt someday (great personal progress project!).

Overall, an interesting experience. The only tip I have is make sure your house is tidy before you post something. Today someone called like 20 minutes after I posted something and I realized my kitchen was an utter disaster of dishes. ... a reason to clean.

I've tried various different tactics for parenting these BOYS! I've learned that shouting directions across the room or house isn't effective. I've tried to call Abe to me so he can see my eyes and be closer to my voice. It also gives me a chance for a loving touch. I don't know if it helps anything, but at least I feel like I'm trying. Oh - I'm ever trying. Ever messing up - and then ever trying again.

Ticket System

For the past 2 months or so we've been trying a ticket system... to shuffle things up a bit. I based my ticket system off Daddy Dollars (also here) that my friend Marne posted about from the Family Fun magazine.
I felt like one of my children was always losing privileges because he/she wasn't staying on task or was bugging others... sigh... I wanted a way to have more positive interactions. So - instead of consequences or losing privileges like wii time, having a friend over, etc, my kids have to earn it now. That is a good thing. We have less wii time, more work time, and a little more staying on task (a little!).

I like the ticket system because the kids have a checklist they have to do in the morning by 8:30 to get their morning tickets. They know what they have to do and when they need to do it by. I mostly just have to ask if they have done their morning things (instead of listing every thing). They have certain tasks that have to be done each day or they don't earn any tickets (things like clean room, pick up belongings from downstairs, daily chore, read, homework). They have other extra jobs or tasks they can do to earn extra tickets (like shower!!!, memorize a scripture (yeah - they haven't done that one yet), extra job for mom, help with Tru for 15 minutes, etc).

Then they can turn in their tickets for wii time, play date with a friend, date with mom or dad, computer time, family store, etc.

What I don't like about the ticket system:
- I don't like distributing tickets. I only do it twice a day. Once before school and once at night. Sundays are such a relief because that is my ticket day of rest. It just seems like we are busy right before bed and I'm in a rush.

- I don't think it's the most awesome system that will last forever in this house. I initially started it hoping it would take us through the end of school... and it has. I don't know that I'll continue. I just needed something exciting for my kids... and I guess it filled that purpose.

- I also am in such a debate about how to handle chores, rewarding positive behavior, and having consequences for negative behavior. I think children should just work because they are part of the family - and we all need to work to survive. But that motivation doesn't quite melt a 5-year-old's heart. So I'm trying to emphasize that we work to help out the family while providing a little reward. I don't know 'bout it all though. I just need something positive going on 'round here with all these boys. It is a constant challenge to keep my boys occupied so there isn't mischief. I'll put them to work if they cause trouble, but they can't work all day!

- I still have to remind kids to stay on task. Sometimes they get fiddling and playing and trying to avoid that daily Chore. Other days they whip through all the tasks so quickly though. Maybe they are learning!... Just like me!

Oh - and my kids save up their tickets. I thought they would be so excited to just spend and spend on activities. Hannah initially saved up until she had 100. She likes to get books from the family store. Abe mostly uses his on wii time, but his favorite one is friend play date. He doesn't care so much about the family store... probably because I bought a bunch of boy books. It's interesting to see how they choose to spend their tickets and how long they save them up.

Lots of experiments... now I need an experiment to have a perfectly tidy home... what would happen if that ever was reality?

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Ordinary things

I love finding ordinary treasures on my camera. Here are a few from this week:

Pelicans in the neighborhood lake. I love watching them. They all swim the same direction. They all go down for food about the same time. They all come back up. Then they all switch directions. It's cool to see.

Abe likes to read to Truman. He uses a cute voice to make it interesting. Tru likes it too - for about 10 minutes.

Tru likes to eat his toes. I love his fat little thighs.

Hannah learned how to type properly at school. She can put her fingers on asdf and jkl; and do it right. I was in jr. high before I took typing. They learn so young now.

Last night Tru was elated to have a place at the table. We put him in Max's seat. He waved his arms and kicked his legs and squealed in delight. He just wanted to be a part of the fam... now he's official I guess... at least at the dinner table.

And a photo from December that I like... sincere laughter...
"There are lives I can imagine without children
but none of them have the same laughter and noise."
Story People

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

for today...


Outside my window... rain. rain. rain. The weather fits my mood - mellow.

I am thinking... about how to mold the characters of little ones... in a nice way.

I am thankful for... sleep.

From the learning rooms... I'm constantly learning how to mother ... the kid's are learning (well... sometimes)... We can always HOPE!

From the kitchen... homemade cinnamon sticks this morning... which the kids didn't seem to appreciate. Probably not worth all the rushed effort. sigh...

I am wearing... comfy jeans.

I am creating... a home for my family... hopefully creating a happy home... always working on that.

I am going... to try really hard today .... to be positive, to not get discouraged, to have energy.

I am reading... the 5,000 year leap and the Conference Edition Ensign.

I am hoping... that my kids will be at peace today.

I am hearing... the swish-swish-swish of the washing machine.

Around the house... my kitchen is an utter disaster that needs to be tackled today. I love a clean kitchen ... but loads of baking creates loads of dishes.

One of my favorite things... this week - orange juice. We haven't had it for about a month and we finally bought some. I love how refreshing and cold it is.

A few plans for the rest of the week: Establish upcoming summer routine and activities. Endure well!!! Make suppers. Love children.

Here is picture for thought I am sharing... because ... I love my sweet squishy baby Tru...

(Idea from Well-Rounded-Mama who got it from Simple Woman's Daybook.)

Monday, May 17, 2010

1-minute Magic (Small & Simple - part 2)

This post is part 2 of one-minute magic. First part inspired by Small Notebook is found here.

I've been excitedly thinking of things I can do in a minute or less. It's not that I stick a list on my fridge and go down and check things off. It's that I try to be more aware of short snippets of time to accomplish simple things that might just make a difference... in my home... with my children... in myself.

Sometimes (ok - like most of the day) I wonder why I keep trying because things get undone so quickly. Or all my efforts to be patient and love seem to be in vain because tots still quarrel, etc. But - I keep trying because it's the right thing to do (my husband reminds me of this when I get extra discouraged). Sister Dibb also reminded me that we don't always see the immediate benefits of our efforts, but making righteous choices definitely pays off, even if in time.

So I've added onto the previous list taking it to 75 things that can be accomplished in a minute or less.

32. Breathe in deeply - breathe out. Relax.
33. read a few verses of scripture
34. write a blog post draft
35. pick up trash off the floor
36. wipe dust off a baseboard (not all baseboards in the entire house!)
37. give praise to a child
38. clean the computer screen
39. get a drink of water
40. organize 10 items in the pantry (don't get sucked in)
41. start a batch of laundry
42. put on lotion or lipstuff (a must in this desert!)
43. wash your hands (kid's need one-minute magic too!)
44. say a prayer
45. apply lipstick or mascara (doesn't happen every day 'round here)
46. clean the front of an appliance
47. enjoy something in nature out the window
48. hum a hymn or primary song
49. look in the mirror and smile
50. dust a picture frame on the wall
51. plan a gift for that day (not necessarily a present - can be a gift of self, time, love)
52. wipe the backsplash in the kitchen (or the wall in my case)
53. think of 3 things you are grateful for
54. sing a song with a child
55. think of something who has blessed your life
56. learn a word in a different language (google translation)
57. recall a happy memory
58. delete 10 unnecessary emails in your inbox (don't go through the other 3000 that are left)
59. take a picture of the day
60. read through the Relief Society Declaration
61. look into the eyes of a child. Really SEE them!
62. gather 5 items to give away (good will or d.i.)
63. enjoy ONE treat (all 1-minute tasks don't have to be work)
64. plan a dinner (hopefully this isn't 5 minutes before 6 p.m.)
65. put the phone back in the charger
66. think of three things you are good at
67. listen to phone messages
68. brush your teeth
69. open the curtains and enjoy some sunshine
70. make your bed
71. do something to make a child laugh. laugh with them.
72. shine the stovetop
73. refill the soap dispenser
74. write a note of gratitude
75. Wipe down the front door

Saturday, May 15, 2010

A Happy Place

See this here balloon... well, one just like it was accidentally released into the sky. A little girl named Hannah cried. I told her that we couldn't bring it back and we had to make the best of it. After all, maybe it's going to balloon heaven. We watched it float higher and higher until it was a speck in the sky. Think of the view it had - with all those glorious mountains, blue skies, and white fluffy clouds. It went to a happy place.
I like to go to a Happy Place. On a rare occasion, that place is my treadmill will fun music. Sometimes it's a good book. Sometimes it's even doing dishes with my groovin' kitchen tunes. My blog is a happy place for me to go because it's my daily pep-talk.  A chat with a dear friend becomes a happy place.  Sometimes my happy place is even a surprise to me... a moment here, a moment there with little ones.

"Every moment is a golden one for him
who has the vision to recognize it as such."
Henry Miller

Today one of my happy places was my favorite temple - Mt. Timp... where I first received my endowments and where Jimmy and I were married. It is good. It is peaceful. It is good, yes, good.

Another Happy Place today was nearly the opposite of a quiet, tidy, clean temple. It was my backyard with noisy tots running about. But... we had sunshine... warmth and sunshine. We had oreos. We had a swing and a snuggle with a mellow Truman. We had Hannah recording videos of everyone telling about their day. We had a Max who perched his hat on backwards. He also learned to climb up the ladder on the swing set today. We had an Abe who wanted to play table tennis... and basketball ... all day long. Even though it wasn't a perfectly joyous afternoon (meaning - there were occasional sibling conflicts)... it was good... and a happy place for my heart to be.
I like happy places.
I think I'll stick today in my pocket and keep it there for a while.
I like a pocketful of sunshine!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Brilliant in the basics

My friend Steph introduced me to this idea of Becoming Brilliant in the Basics. I'm trying to focus my life on the simple basic things so I thought I'd give it a try.

She first shared this story with me:
When Vince Lombardi took over as coach of the Green Bay Packers football team in 1958, one of the first questions the local press asked him was, “What are you going to change to turn this team around after a string of failures and losing seasons?” His reply provided a window into the process of how to be successful when faced with a challenging situation.

Lombardi’s response was: “I am not going to change anything. We will use the same players, the same plays and the same training system. But we will concentrate on becoming brilliant at the basics.” In nine seasons his Green Bay Packers won five NFL Championships and two Super Bowls.” (see Being Brilliant at the Basics, by Rick McCormick)
The idea is to choose a few measurable Basic things to do every day. Then at the end of the day, I can see at least 3 things I could do precisely... not perfectly... but 100%.  I tried starting with 5 a few months ago and I found that was way more than I could handle. So I've narrowed it down to 3 things. I still struggle to get those 3 done, but that's why I'm posting this... to rekindle my efforts.

1 - I also know I need to rejuvenate my scripture study. Every time I dive into the scriptures, I come out so refreshed... and then I wonder why I don't do it more. So - that makes the list.

2 - In my life I really need motivation with tidying my house. It gets the better of me daily. So - one doable chore makes the list.  I can at least know I accomplished one cleaning task during the day.

3 - And lastly... sometimes at the end of the day, I realize I spent time with my family, but didn't take time to share love individually. So 5 minutes for a little chat, hug, kiss, and love makes the top 3 list.

I tried adding exercise which really needs to be a priority too, but I kept feeling bad that I wasn't doing that as much as I wanted to, so that didn't make the final cut.

In the end, it's not about doing more... it's just about doing different or better. I have to DO something all day long and I need to prioritize a little better.

My cousin Julie shared this quote that seemed to sum it all up in a positive way:
"We women have a lot to learn about simplifying our lives. We have to decide what is important and then move along at a pace that is comfortable for us. We have to develop the maturity to stop trying to prove something. We have to learn to be content with what we are." — Marjorie Pay Hinckley
My life doesn't need to be a whirlwind of hustle and bustle and fiddle and fuss. Simple is better. And so onward I go with my day... attempting to get 100% on the basics. Bathrooms... here I come!

p.s. I was a guest author on Jimmy's MormonMissionPrep website. My first post was about this topic... Brilliant at the Basics.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

29 gifts

This early morn as I sat rocking and feeding Tru at 5:40, I was tired.. oh so tired.

I looked into those cute eyes staring up at me as Tru drank oh so slowly... so slowly ... and I thought about the day before me. I decided last night I needed to be a more loving patient mother, especially with Abe. I recommitted myself to try a bit harder today to be loving.

Tru reached up to grab and scratch my cheek. He likes to do this when he eats. He is such a sweet little person.

I found myself wishing Tru would eat faster so I could go back to sleep but then I realized,
"I will never live this moment again."
So I tried to enjoy my time with my sweet little squishy baby, even though it was way too early for my liking.

And so today I keep repeating to myself,
"Today I choose to GIVE with love...
sincere pure love."

I'm still tired. I still want to snuggle into the covers of my warm bed. But I have 4 tots who need a loving mother who GIVES because she chooses too - out of love. They don't need a mother hiding under the covers.

I wrote the rest of this post months ago and I needed to revisit it for my morning pep-talk and inspiration. I have a long ways to go to internalize and make daily GIFTS a part of my every moment, but this is a start.

I came across a blog that mentioned this book "29 Gifts" by Cami Walker. I liked the idea of it so I borrowed it from the library and read it in a day.

This gal Cami Walker has MS and was completely overwhelmed by major health problems and depression. It was very educational to read her graphic description of all that people with MS deal with (be aware if you read it that it isn't all yellow balloons and sunshine - which is why it seems do-able ... because her life is so hard and so real).

Here's more info on
by Cami Walker

I really enjoyed this book and wanted to try this experiment for myself. I've had a bit of the baby blues and feeling a little looney and unable to handle this adjustment to 4 tots very well. I felt like I was giving all I had to my family and wasn't getting filled up again to keep giving.... to anyone.

I kept thinking of President Kimball's quote about how giving and serving others will help there be "more" of you. I kept getting frustrated when I thought about that because I thought, "did he realize that as a mother every ounce of giving gets sucked out of you every minute of every day."

BUT as I read this book and did my 29 day experiment I realized a few things that would help me have more to give. Here are my thoughts about it:

~ I give all day long as a mother. But I don't always give with sincere love and intent. When I give grudgingly, I feel drained and selfish. When I decide to CHOOSE to give with a heart full of love, I feel full. I don't like doing something because I feel like I have to (which is why I dislike so many household tasks). I want to CHOOSE to do it ... and when I think of my daily tasks as GIFTS, it becomes a choice. I like myself when I give for the right reason.

~ Giving presents is fun. It's always fun to delight someone with a little something special. Giving time, patience, and forgiveness required much more sincere thought and effort for me.

~ As suggested in the book, I kept a mini journal every night of what I gave. In some ways I didn't like writing it down, like someone would think I was writing it to get credit someday... but really it was a good exercise for me. On days I was lame at giving, I would think through my choices that day and would realize that I did give with sincere intent... sometimes a surprise give. It also helped me think of things I was given that day ... which helped me feel more grateful for and loved by others.

~ I realized it's not up to others to fill me up at the end of a long day. I can fill myself up throughout the day by CHOOSING to give lovingly. Yes, we all need love... but most of us are given love but we don't always recognize or receive it because we are so busy feeling empty. I also know I need to fill my spiritual bucket to have increased energy and perspective.

~ Gifts don't have to be extravagant extra things in my day. Most of mine were simple 5 minute things (or moments throughout the day) that had to do with my own little family.

~ I realized I have a lot of good intentions to give to others outside my home ... well, and within my home. This exercise helped me get some of those good intentions out the door. I feel good about myself when I follow through with my thoughts.

~ Giving with intent and love really does help you stop thinking about your own problems as often. Your mind is more thoughtful of others.

~ I'm a work in progress. I haven't mastered this life-changing attitude about giving and CHOOSING to give with intent and heart-felt love. But I want to keep it up until it becomes a part of me.

from 29 Gifts book

(Cute giving quote by One Happy Mama)

29 Gifts

This early morn as I sat rocking and feeding Tru at 5:40, I was tired.. oh so tired.

I looked into those cute eyes staring up at me as Tru drank oh so slowly... so slowly ... and I thought about the day before me. I decided last night I needed to be a more loving patient mother, especially with Abe. I recommitted myself to try a bit harder today to be loving.

Tru reached up to grab and scratch my cheek. He likes to do this when he eats. He is such a sweet little person.

I found myself wishing Tru would eat faster so I could go back to sleep but then I realized,
"I will never live this moment again."
So I tried to enjoy my time with my sweet little squishy baby, even though it was way too early for my liking.

And so today I keep repeating to myself,
"Today I choose to GIVE with love...
sincere pure love."

I'm still tired. I still want to snuggle into the covers of my warm bed. But I have 4 tots who need a loving mother who GIVES because she chooses too - out of love. They don't need a mother hiding under the covers.

I wrote the rest of this post months ago and I needed to revisit it for my morning pep-talk and inspiration. I have a long ways to go to internalize and make daily GIFTS a part of my every moment, but this is a start.

I came across a blog that mentioned this book "29 Gifts" by Cami Walker. I liked the idea of it so I borrowed it from the library and read it in a day.

This gal Cami Walker has MS and was completely overwhelmed by major health problems and depression. It was very educational to read her graphic description of all that people with MS deal with (be aware if you read it that it isn't all yellow balloons and sunshine - which is why it seems do-able ... because her life is so hard and so real).

Here's more info on
by Cami Walker

I really enjoyed this book and wanted to try this experiment for myself. I've had a bit of the baby blues and feeling a little looney and unable to handle this adjustment to 4 tots very well. I felt like I was giving all I had to my family and wasn't getting filled up again to keep giving.... to anyone.

I kept thinking of President Kimball's quote about how giving and serving others will help there be "more" of you. I kept getting frustrated when I thought about that because I thought, "did he realize that as a mother every ounce of giving gets sucked out of you every minute of every day."

BUT as I read this book and did my 29 day experiment I realized a few things that would help me have more to give. Here are my thoughts about it:

~ I give all day long as a mother. But I don't always give with sincere love and intent. When I give grudgingly, I feel drained and selfish. When I decide to CHOOSE to give with a heart full of love, I feel full. I don't like doing something because I feel like I have to (which is why I dislike so many household tasks). I want to CHOOSE to do it ... and when I think of my daily tasks as GIFTS, it becomes a choice. I like myself when I give for the right reason.

~ Giving presents is fun. It's always fun to delight someone with a little something special. Giving time, patience, and forgiveness required much more sincere thought and effort for me.

~ As suggested in the book, I kept a mini journal every night of what I gave. In some ways I didn't like writing it down, like someone would think I was writing it to get credit someday... but really it was a good exercise for me. On days I was lame at giving, I would think through my choices that day and would realize that I did give with sincere intent... sometimes a surprise give. It also helped me think of things I was given that day ... which helped me feel more grateful for and loved by others.

~ I realized it's not up to others to fill me up at the end of a long day. I can fill myself up throughout the day by CHOOSING to give lovingly. Yes, we all need love... but most of us are given love but we don't always recognize or receive it because we are so busy feeling empty. I also know I need to fill my spiritual bucket to have increased energy and perspective.

~ Gifts don't have to be extravagant extra things in my day. Most of mine were simple 5 minute things (or moments throughout the day) that had to do with my own little family.

~ I realized I have a lot of good intentions to give to others outside my home ... well, and within my home. This exercise helped me get some of those good intentions out the door. I feel good about myself when I follow through with my thoughts.

~ Giving with intent and love really does help you stop thinking about your own problems as often. Your mind is more thoughtful of others.

~ I'm a work in progress. I haven't mastered this life-changing attitude about giving and CHOOSING to give with intent and heart-felt love. But I want to keep it up until it becomes a part of me.

from 29 Gifts book

(Cute giving quote by One Happy Mama)

Monday, May 3, 2010

morning *LIGHT*

My FOCUS for 2010 is LIGHT. I've been gathering photos of things, people, places that are full of light. Some mornings I need some extra LIGHT in my life so I'm sharing these today.

We all need LIGHT, don't we?!

In these photos I notice how the light 'makes better... or brighter' each setting. Isn't that just how the LIGHT of Christ is in our lives... makes us a little better... or brighter.

"The Light of Christ is the divine energy, power, or influence that proceeds from God through Christ and gives life and light to all things. The Light of Christ influences people for good and prepares them to receive the Holy Ghost." (Gospel Topics - Light)

I am so blessed to have LIGHT in my life. “My cup runneth over.” (Ps. 23:5)

"Bring up your children in LIGHT and truth." D&C 93:40

"Parents must bring LIGHT and truth into their homes by one family prayer, one scripture study session, one family home evening, one book read aloud, one song, and one family meal at a time."(L. Tom Perry, Ensign, May 2010)

Doesn't this quiet porch setting seem like a good teaching place? ... to read or sing to little ones. Peace ... LIGHT.

"Walk in the LIGHT of the Lord." 2 Nephi 12:5

"Whatsoever is LIGHT, is good." Alma 32: 35

A light exists in spring
Not present on the year
At any other period.
When March is scarcely here

A color stands abroad
On solitary hills
That science cannot overtake,
But human nature feels.

It waits upon the lawn;
It shows the furthest tree
Upon the furthest slope we know;
It almost speaks to me.

Then, as horizons step,
Or noons report away,
Without the formula of sound,
It passes, and we stay:

A quality of loss
Affecting our content,
As trade had suddenly encroached
Upon a sacrament.

Emily Dickinson