This quote perhaps may be the theme of my life lately. We're all working on things, aren't we? I know I am. Well, these are a few things I'm working on lately. A little long-winded, but I'm too tired to make it concise (too tired or not talented enough in writing - take your pick).
Make-a-Mix Club - wanna join?
A gal in my ward shared the idea to make little mixes in jars of waffle mix to make a quickie breakfast. A bright light bulb went off in my head! Wow - make your own mix. Why didn't I think of that?
Over the past few months I've been thinking of all the different recipes a mix would be helpful for. It has to be something we eat often so it doesn't sit in the pantry forever and a year.
I decided to start off with chocolate chip cookies (the best ones ever from Angie), homemade instant oatmeal packets (kinda made up but based off
Simple Dollar), chocolate chip muffins (my kids and husband like the mini ones for snacks), and waffles (someday pancakes).
I've decided to add Golden Flax Seed Meal and Wheat Germ to just about everything. I don't know - is that healthy? From all I've read it seems to be good. I guess another experiment.
So overall, I really like it. It speeds up breakfast, snacks, etc. I just need it for dinners now. For some it may not be worth it to do mixes. But for me, I just love not having to get out 5 different measuring spoons/cups to do all the dry ingredients. With tots at my feet, I need quick-n-easy. This is an experiment that I hope lasts a long time! If I make Mondays my Make-a-Mix Monday, then I won't run out of my handy mixes. Plus, it saves $$. Plus, I know every single ingredient that is in there.
p.s. I love those Lock-n-Lock containers. They are hard to find lately though.
p.p.s. I didn't love the homemade bisquik I tried. It wasn't worth all the effort for the amount it makes - only because you have to cut in the shortening.
Cell Phone Experiment
I haven't had a normal cell phone for years. I've decided to join the 21st century and get one. Mostly I need it for emergencies on the road, but I didn't want to get the prepaid plan because in the past I would paid for it and rarely used it.
I decided to transfer my home number to my cell and get rid of Vonage. This perhaps may be a long experiment - it stinks you have to sign a 2-year-contract. But anyhoo... I didn't get a data plan so I had to get a normal flip-phone. Man - there are some fun, fun phones out there. Not mine! Thus far it's actually been better than I thought it would be though. It has a good speaker phone. I miss having 3 home phones ring at the same time so i can actually find it and get to it on time.
My favorite thing about it: I switched the ring-tone to "Scripture Power" and it makes me laugh every time it rings. Please call so I can smile! I've firmly decided that I'm not going to be the mom constantly on the phone when I'm out with the kids - they need me. (at least I hope they need me!)
Selling things on KSL Classifieds.
What fun! I finally decided to get rid of most of our girlie clothes that I've been saving for - oh, like 7 years. Boo-hoo-hoo! If we ever have a girlie baby, then I'll use the few I saved and buy new I guess. I was going to give them all away, but figured I'd try selling them as bundles on KSL. I had a great response for most of the sizes. I thought they were an awesome deal, but I still made enough $$ that I felt good about it.
It was fun to see the people who came to buy the clothes. A dad from Mexico with a cute little girlie... a gal buying for her single-mom sister... a gal with 3 kids who just decided to try buying used... another mom who seemed experienced in buying/selling clothes. Hannah was sad to go through the clothes and part with some of them. I let her save her favorites that we can make into a patchwork quilt someday (great personal progress project!).
Overall, an interesting experience. The only tip I have is make sure your house is tidy before you post something. Today someone called like 20 minutes after I posted something and I realized my kitchen was an utter disaster of dishes. ... a reason to clean.
I've tried various different tactics for parenting these BOYS! I've learned that shouting directions across the room or house isn't effective. I've tried to call Abe to me so he can see my eyes and be closer to my voice. It also gives me a chance for a loving touch. I don't know if it helps anything, but at least I feel like I'm trying. Oh - I'm ever trying. Ever messing up - and then ever trying again.
Ticket System
For the past 2 months or so we've been trying a ticket system... to shuffle things up a bit. I based my ticket system off
Daddy Dollars (also
here) that my friend Marne posted about from the Family Fun magazine.
I felt like one of my children was always losing privileges because he/she wasn't staying on task or was bugging others... sigh... I wanted a way to have more positive interactions. So - instead of consequences or losing privileges like wii time, having a friend over, etc, my kids have to earn it now. That is a good thing. We have less wii time, more work time, and a little more staying on task (a little!).
I like the ticket system because the kids have a checklist they have to do in the morning by 8:30 to get their morning tickets. They know what they have to do and when they need to do it by. I mostly just have to ask if they have done their morning things (instead of listing every thing). They have certain tasks that have to be done each day or they don't earn any tickets (things like clean room, pick up belongings from downstairs, daily chore, read, homework). They have other extra jobs or tasks they can do to earn extra tickets (like shower!!!, memorize a scripture (yeah - they haven't done that one yet), extra job for mom, help with Tru for 15 minutes, etc).
Then they can turn in their tickets for wii time, play date with a friend, date with mom or dad, computer time, family store, etc.
What I don't like about the ticket system:
- I don't like distributing tickets. I only do it twice a day. Once before school and once at night. Sundays are such a relief because that is my ticket day of rest. It just seems like we are busy right before bed and I'm in a rush.
- I don't think it's the most awesome system that will last forever in this house. I initially started it hoping it would take us through the end of school... and it has. I don't know that I'll continue. I just needed something exciting for my kids... and I guess it filled that purpose.
- I also am in such a debate about how to handle chores, rewarding positive behavior, and having consequences for negative behavior. I think children should just work because they are part of the family - and we all need to work to survive. But that motivation doesn't quite melt a 5-year-old's heart. So I'm trying to emphasize that we work to help out the family while providing a little reward. I don't know 'bout it all though. I just need something positive going on 'round here with all these boys. It is a constant challenge to keep my boys occupied so there isn't mischief. I'll put them to work if they cause trouble, but they can't work all day!
- I still have to remind kids to stay on task. Sometimes they get fiddling and playing and trying to avoid that daily Chore. Other days they whip through all the tasks so quickly though. Maybe they are learning!... Just like me!
Oh - and my kids save up their tickets. I thought they would be so excited to just spend and spend on activities. Hannah initially saved up until she had 100. She likes to get books from the family store. Abe mostly uses his on wii time, but his favorite one is friend play date. He doesn't care so much about the family store... probably because I bought a bunch of boy books. It's interesting to see how they choose to spend their tickets and how long they save them up.
Lots of experiments... now I need an experiment to have a perfectly tidy home... what would happen if that ever was reality?