Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Positive Affirmations

I've been thinking lately about being positive. I struggle with it on crummy drab blah days (which seem to be frequent lately).

I read something recently about starting the day with a positive affirmation. So I decided to read up on it a bit to get some ideas about living a more optimistic life.

I believe that our thoughts can change our world (who said that? someone brilliant I'm sure). I don't believe we can have our way all the time ... so our thoughts help us deal with life situations that are before us."Positive affirmations are positive sentences repeated many times in order to impress the subconscious mind and trigger it into action."

- I can do it, I can do it...
- I am healthy and happy.
- I have a lot of energy.
- My mind is calm.
- I am calm and relaxed in every situation.
- My thoughts are under my control.
- I radiate love and happiness.
- I am surrounded by love.
- I have good and loving relations with my wife/husband.
- I have a wonderful satisfying job.
- Everything is getting better every day.
- I have the ability to handle this.
- I am a skillful and artistic person.
- I can show others a good example.
- I am responsible only for my own feelings.
- I love myself for who I am.
- I am able to handle any problem I face.
- My children will benefit from my healthy changes.
- My family will benefit from my relaxing more.
- There are beautiful things happening in my life daily.
- I experience the excitement of growth daily.
- I grow in love daily.
- I face each new day as a race to be won.
- I am winning in the race of life.
By Remez Sasson

Affirmations can be used to destroy bad habits and create good ones.
Affirmations can help you get clear and stay focused.
Affirmations can help you speed up the progress on your goals.
Affirmations keep you balanced and calm.
Affirmations can help you live the life you want.
Affirmations can change your life.

Live your affirmations. You are your affirmations? You have to embody them - live them. And your affirmations have to reflect who you are, how you feel and what you believe.
By Jack Roberts

What do power affirmations have in common?
1) They're stated in the present tense.
2) They express a positive statement.
3) They're short and specific.
By Jeff Staniforth

Ok - so here are a few examples in my life of how thinking positively could change my world (don't grade me on my ability to write power affirmations here... it's the optimism that counts hopefully):

- I enjoy creating a clean environment where the Spirit can dwell. (instead of "uggg, I don't have energy to tidy, do dishes, laundry, etc")

- I am grateful to stay home with my children. (instead of "I'm bored because I have no adults to talk to.")

- Today I give with sincere love. (instead of "I am too tired to do anything else for my children.")

- I feel good, I feel great, I feel wonderful. (had to throw the What about Bob? quote in there).

- "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Phil 4:13 (Instead of "Life is hard. I can't handle this whirlwind.")

Yes, I think this is good.

It would be an interesting exercise to search the scriptures for positive affirmations:

"I rejoice in the Lord greatly." Phil 4:10

It seems even stronger to include the Lord in our thoughts and positive affirmations. We can do more, feel more, be more with our Savior strengthening us.

yes, this is a good thing.

... and this concludes my forever long post about positive affirmations.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

feelin' the love ... and HOPE

Yesterday it was sunny. My soul was singing.

Today it's a bit dreary outside. It's gray. I'm tired. My soul is having a hard time singing.

So... I need some cheer and color. Isn't this a bright spot this month of LOVE?!1. "nobody can be uncheered with a balloon" ~winnie the pooh : gratitude 264.365, 2. Just for You on Woman's Day, 3. Love Letters, 4. R O S E S, 5. the seashore, 6. For my Mother..., 7. Home, 8. I think you don't know I love you~, 9. A Little Sunshine...

And a quote full of HOPE for today:
No matter how bleak the chapter of our lives may look today, because of the life and sacrifice of Jesus Christ, we may HOPE and be assured that the ending of the book of our lives will exceed our grandest expectations.

HOPE is like the beam of sunlight rising up and above the horizon of our present circumstances. It pierces the darkness with a brilliant dawn. It encourages and inspires us to place our trust in the loving care of an eternal Heavenly Father, who has prepared a way for those who seek for eternal truth in a world of relativism, confusion, and of fear.

Dieter F. Uchtdorf (Ensign, Nov 2008)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Gift of an Ordinary Day

I saw this youtube video on a friends' blog and watched all 7:38 minutes of it while feeding Tru.

It was a great reminder to enjoy my ordinary days now... before my tots don't fit on my lap anymore ... or they don't want to snuggle and read books ... or don't randomly come and give me kisses and stare at me from an inch away.

Kids grow up - as evidenced by Abe's visible white socks under those nearly-high-water-jeans. Why does that seem to suddenly happen? They wake up one morning and their pants are too short. Sigh...

Katrina Kenison is the author of 'The Gift of an Ordinary Day' and also wrote this that I liked:
"We can learn to trust our maternal selves and to have faith in the innate goodness and purity of our children - even when we feel overwhelmed and the kids are pushing all our buttons. We can support one another....we can be understanding of each other and easier on ourselves." ~ Katrina Kenison (Mitten Strings for God: Reflections for Mothers in a Hurry)
It is quiet at my house. My fussy Tru finally fell asleep. Max took a nap for the first time in 2 weeks (Hallelujah - it made me cry happy tears). Abe is in quiet time playing nicely.

Today I have realized my ordinary days are beautiful gifts that I need to treasure.