But tonight as we were reading a Christmas story by the tree (well... while Tru was undecorating the tree - rather), I was thinking about how it just doesn't matter to kids what the tree looks like. They love the LIGHTS and the MEMORIES and the TRADITIONS.
My dad altered the words to a familiar Christmas tune... "Oh, Christmas Tree". Growing up, we decorated our tree with felt ornaments to go along with the symbols:
Oh, Christmas Tree
Oh, Christmas Tree
You represent Eternity.
The Bell is JOY
The Heart is LOVE
The Dove is PEACE from God above.
The Star reminds us of His birth
The night CHRIST came to dwell on earth.
May we remember sacredly, the meaning of our Christmas tree.
I've tried to continue these symbols in decorating my tree because I love the tradition and meaning.
"Christmas is a time of lights. We light our homes and trees, our streets, and our store windows. Processions of singing families carrying torches wind their way through the snowy Alps of Austria as they go to attend church at Christmastime. On that first Christmas night lights appeared in the heavens, especially one bright star that shone down on the manger where the Baby Jesus lay. Far away in the “new world” bright lights were also seen in the heavens.
"... At this special time of year may you feel the JOY of Christmas, remembering Jesus as you see the LIGHTs of Christmas." First Presidency - December 1972